Config options

All of these options are optional. The UserProvider can work without any configuration at all, or you can customize one or more of the following options. The default values are shown below.

$app['user.options'] = [

            // Specify custom view templates here.
            'templates' => [
                'layout' => '@user/layout.twig',
                'register' => '@user/register.twig',
                'register-confirmation-sent' => '@user/register-confirmation-sent.twig',
                'login' => '@user/login.twig',
                'login-confirmation-needed' => '@user/login-confirmation-needed.twig',
                'forgot-password' => '@user/forgot-password.twig',
                'reset-password' => '@user/reset-password.twig',
                'view' => '@user/view.twig',
                'edit' => '@user/edit.twig',
                'list' => '@user/list.twig',

            // Specify the forms
            'forms' => [
                'register' => 'rup_register',
                'edit' => 'rup_edit',
                'change_password' => 'rup_change_password',
                'forgot_password' => 'rup_forgot_password',
                'reset_password' => 'rup_reset_password'

            // Configure the user mailer for sending password reset and email confirmation messages.
            'mailer' => [
                'enabled' => true, // When false, email notifications are not sent (they're silently discarded).
                'fromEmail' => [
                    'address' => 'do-not-reply@' . (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : gethostname()),
                    'name' => null,

            'emailConfirmation' => [
                'required' => false, // Whether to require email confirmation before enabling new accounts.
                'template' => '@user/email/confirm-email.twig',

            'passwordReset' => [
                'template' => '@user/email/reset-password.twig',
                'tokenTTL' => 86400, // How many seconds the reset token is valid for. Default: 1 day.

            // Set this to use a custom User class.
            'userClass' => 'rootLogin\UserProvider\Entity\User',

            // Whether to require that users have a username (default: false).
            // By default, users sign in with their email address instead.
            'isUsernameRequired' => false,

            // A list of custom fields to support in the edit controller. (dbal mode only)
            'editCustomFields' => [],

            // Override table names, if necessary. (dbal only)
            'userTableName' => 'users',
            'userCustomFieldsTableName' => 'user_custom_fields',

            // Override column names if necessary. (dbal mode only)
            'userColumns' => [
                'id' => 'id',
                'email' => 'email',
                'password' => 'password',
                'salt' => 'salt',
                'roles' => 'roles',
                'name' => 'name',
                'time_created' => 'time_created',
                'username' => 'username',
                'isEnabled' => 'isEnabled',
                'confirmationToken' => 'confirmationToken',
                'timePasswordResetRequested' => 'timePasswordResetRequested',
                //Custom Fields
                'user_id' => 'user_id',
                'attribute' => 'attribute',
                'value' => 'value',


If you have enabled the symfony console, as with saxulum-console for example, the provider will add some commands to the console:

  • userprovider:create: Create an user
  • userprovider:list: List users
  • userprovider:delete: Delete an user
  • userprovider:role:add: Add a role to an user
  • userprovider:role:list: List user's roles
  • userprovider:delete: Remove a role from an user

Use Doctrine ORM instead of DBAL

The provider uses the Doctrine Orm (Object-relational mapper) automatically, if the necessairy providers are found. (See Additional Dependencies)

ATTENTION! An auto migration is no possible.

Additional dependencies


If the server provider finds another orm service provider it will automatically add itself.

Force DBAL

If you use Doctrine ORM in your project and you want to force the DBAL handling for the UserProvider, register the provider like this:

// ...

$app->register(new UserProviderServiceProvider(true));

// ...